About Us

We are dedicated to Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used for the good of humanity. At a time of cataclysmic change, brought about by rapid technological progress in the field of AI, an ever-burgeoning population, global warming, wars and ‘de-globalisation’ led protectionist trade embargo’s, the world is unclear as to how best AI should be regulated. Governments are working to understand AI’s impacts. Meanwhile, there is a genuine fear of misuse.

This web-site’s purpose is to be the Artificial Intelligence Pathfinder, illuminating the path for useful, practical, secure, responsible and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence development. Specifically, the website strives to achieve the following:

  • To build public awareness of AI progress, its benefits and issues.
  • To build public awareness of fundamental and human rights violations by AI systems which affect the general public (individual users).
  • To be forward thinking and contribute rounded thought leadership on AI directions which are best suited for the general public (individual users).
  • ⁠To propose solutions for specific AI issues whenever possible.
  • ⁠To inform AI issues and possible solutions to Government and global agencies like the United Nations and OECD which are responsible for promulgating AI laws.

The articles are classified under the following categories:

  • Personal Data Protection
  • Technology and Software Engineering
  • Futuristic and Analytical
  • AI Impact
  • Data Science
  • AI Regulatory

This website has been championing Human-Centric AI since its inception in February 2023. Later, the UN declaration on AI dated 21 March 2024 unanimously approved by the member countries also endorsed Human-Centric AI.

A brief bio-data on Rajagopal Tampi can be found here.


The opinions expressed in this website are personal opinions and futuristic thoughts of the authors in their genuine quest for designing AI systems in a Human-Centric and Explainable manner. No comment or opinion expressed in this website is made with any intent to discredit, malign, cause damage, loss to or criticize or in any other way disadvantage any person, company, governments or global and regional agencies.