AI is delivering justice – A prediction come true!

On 22 Oct 2022, I had written a poem on “Universality1” a term I gave to the Maker of universal laws governing humans, living and non-living things, nature and our universe. The poem was a mix of of reality, futuristic technology arrived at by observation, reading and in-depth questioning. It was philosophical and spiritual as much as a technical quest.  Little did I realise then, that some part of it will become a reality in just 19 months propelled by AI. But indeed, it has become so. How did this happen?

In Verse 5, ‘Peace and Order’ refers to ‘a giant, synchronised distributed brain’ and humungous unimaginable quantities of data, current and past states all held in the universal memory. This enabled the Universe to respond in an exact and timely manner to wrong doings and destructive actions thus maintaining justice, peace and harmony and helping the universe “revert to equilibrium”. In effect, the giant distributed that brain delivers justice to every individual anywhere. The verse is reproduced below for a better understanding:

Humungous, unimaginable quantities of data

Garnered from the current state, changing states, past, now and future

Of every atom molecule ion, particle, charge, light, non-light, electro-magnetic, matter, non-matter, dark matter

It’s state, needs, thoughts, decisions, constraints, actions

Not registered in a memory, but the memory itself

A gazillion brains, a gazillion eyes, senses, tastes, smells, a gazillion minds, emotions, actions, reactions all instantly connected, captured, processed

Registering states, processing as it happens, real time

Processing responses, outputs in the same instant, observing, knowing, anticipating

A giant synchronized distributed brain, giant synchronized distributed logic, analyzing, dissecting, synthesizing, reviewing, observing actions, thoughts within, without

Forecasting, projecting, destiny in the main pre-determined, cause and effect, mathematical, logical

Of positive and negative charges, of ones and zeros, cause and effect, chronometric precision unbelievable, logical, generating gazillion perfect scenarios 

Generating gazillion perfect outcomes, gazillion justice deliveries, instantly

Incorruptible integrity, fundamental backbone, unbiased, justice blindfolded

Outcomes for all shades of color, black, white, shades of grey, extreme in complexity, exactly as deserved by every actor, precise, perfect, flawless retribution

Brilliant in conception, unparalleled, beyond compare, unbelievable, inconceivable 

Solely in the quest for sustainability, justice delivery

Learning, improvement, evolution

Of earth, trees, fish, animals, birds, humans

(Verse 5) 

Meta has uncovered and blocked fake social media accounts2 originating from China on Facebook and Instagram instigating Khalistan’s extremism in India1. These fake profiles targeted the Sikh community in Australia, Canada, India, New ZeaLand, Pakistan, UK and Nigeria. Scores of these accounts were blocked by Meta. The fake accounts influenced news and current events by using manipulated images generated using AI.

OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, have said it acted within 24 hours to disrupt deceptive uses of AI in covert operations focused on the Indian elections, leading to no significant audience increase. In a report on its website, OpenAI said STOIC, a political campaign management firm in Israel, generated some content on Indian elections alongside about the Gaza conflict3. What is noteworthy here is that Open AI detected these manipulations (untruths) within hours of its happening. This is indeed a great feat and can work for the good of humanity.

It is now clear that most types of information generated by anyone anywhere can be captured, analysed and acted upon almost in real time by Foundational models like Chat GPT.  What was conceived as a possibility in my poem just 19 months (the giant, synchronised, distributed brain and humongous data permitting real-time corrections), before the launch of Chat GPT has now become a reality.

Such powerful AI capabilities should be regulated and used in real time for societal benefit. Applications are never ending, but just to name a few crime watch, law enforcement, medical emergencies, disaster relief, preventing cyberattacks, aggregating research, weather forecasting and more. This great power generated by AI should be harnessed carefully by responsible people and those exercising such powers should be held accountable for their actions and decisions. The formation of new laws to ensure justice in the altered AI world is essential.

In the future, the amount of access to data will become the most powerful tool to possess guaranteeing ever higher capabilities and providing strengths to individuals and to nations to become superpowers. National governance will necessarily require data governance. The amounts of data generated, accessed and possessed by nations and companies will become an important economic indicator. Data will be guarded as gold is today in Data vaults of nations and companies.


1.     Universality –



Books : Applied Human-Centric AI – Rajagopal Tampi

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